The rules on this prize, if you'd like to play along, are as follows:
Write a post about this prize, including the photo above and a link to the blog which awarded you the prize. Then, award it to 15 blogs that you enjoy reading.
It is always very hard to choose the favorite blogs so I let Google Analytics do the work for me and promote the blogs that has brought most traffic to Mini treasures wiki during the last month. Fair game and very nice blogs also, go and visit them. :)
So my winners are:
1. Schifka - schifka.vuodatus.net
2. Nukkekoti Väinölä - nukketalo.vuodatus.net
3. Hanna&leijona - hannajaleijona.blogspot.com
4. A miniature life - a-miniature-life.blogspot.com
5. Doreen's miniatures - doreensminiatures.blogspot.com
6. Fashion doll review :) - fashiondollreview.blogspot.com
7. Nasun nukkekoti - nasunnukkekoti.blogspot.com
8. The mini food blog - theminifoodblog.blogspot.com
9. Pubdolls - pubdolls.blogspot.com
10. Debbie's tiny treasures - debbiestinytreasures.blogspot.com
11. Little roomers - littleroomers.blogspot.com
12. My small obsession miniatures - mysmallobsessionminiatures.blogspot.com
13. The barbiequeue - thebarbiequeue.blogspot.com
14. Tarja's crafts - tarjascrafts.blogspot.com
15. A minha casa en miniatura - aminhacasaemminiatura.blogs.sapo.pt
16. Cauldron craft miniatures - cauldroncraftminiatures.blogspot.com
Congrats and thank you for linking to Mini treasures wiki :).
Thank you for the award! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for the award... :0)