Wohoo - I just love seeing our Flickr group growing, this week we got the photo number 3333. To celebrate the occasion let's interview Grace :).
Hi Grace! How does it feel to be the one who posted the photo 3333 to our pool?It feels humbling, actually - like it should have been somebody better or more important than me! It was only me by accident! But 3333 is a lot of pictures, so I'm glad the pool is so full and active.
Tell a little about yourself: who you are, where do you come from and what do you do?I'm Grace White from North Carolina, USA. I work as a paper conservator, preserving damaged artworks and documents (sometimes called restoring, though we conservators don't use that term). It's a great career for me with my love of tiny details and history, working with my hands and eyes. It uses a lot of the same skills that I developed over a lifetime of making miniatures.
Do you have any hobbies other than miniatures? I like quilting and making bead jewelry. I also love reading, especially books about the sea and ships and historic exploration, fiction and non-fiction. And in my spare time I make miniatures, and sell some of them on Etsy! My shop there is
honeyandbee, and I also post miniatures on
Flickr and
my blog.
When and how did you start doing miniatures? I grew up playing with a dollhouse that had been built by my great-grandfather for my mom. I can't remember when I first started making things for it, but it was always my favorite thing to play with. Now my nieces have it, and it's fun to see them loving it too.
What is your latest / next mini-project?I'm working on a polar explorer's hut. I love the history of
polar exploration, and I'm infatuated with the Antarctic huts used by explorers like Scott and Shackleton that are still standing today, and are being preserved by conservators like me.

How did you find Mini Treasures wiki and what is your favorite page in the wiki?I found it through Flickr when I kept seeing that my favorite miniaturists were having their images linked to it. It's hard to pick a favorite page, but I love
the section on treasures made from trash! I love seeing how creative my fellow miniaturists are - and I like knowing I'm not the only one who gets wacky inspirations from things discarded by "normal" people.
What would you like to see in the wiki in the future?Something I love at Wikipedia is the random featured article of the day. It's always something interesting, and usually a topic I wouldn't have thought to seek out. That would be fun to see, a random miniature page, maybe a button one could click that says "Surprise me!"
Thanks for the interview Grace and thanks for the idea of random page :). I added that to Mini treasures yesterday the first random page beeing character dolls. It is one the most edited page on the wiki - we have a lot of links there but not that many pictures so I am hoping that by highlighting the page we could get more pictures of dolls made by our readers. And we need to make a page for polar stuff too, just give me the correct term for the title :).