Do you have any other hobbies than miniatures? My other hobbies are computers and hiking
When and how did you start doing miniatures? I have always loved miniatures. I built a small dollhouse for my daughter when she was little but I was more interested in it than she was. When I was older and had more time (and money) I bought a kit on impulse. A couple of years later the dollhouse store near me went out of business and I bought their inventory, went into business, and started doing shows. This was in 1995. Then the web came along and I started a website. Now I don't have any time to work on the dollhouses because I'm too busy with the business.
What is your latest/next mini project? My latest/next project is to get back to work on my dollhouses.
How did you find Mini treasures wiki and what is your favorite page in the wiki? I don't remember how I found the Wiki page. I like the link to all the blogs.
Thanks for the interview and hope you have fun time in our wiki! And hopefully you will get time for your own hobby too :).
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