Today I got feedback from a web pro (thanks Arto!) about the usability of Mini treasures wiki and I realized something important. It is studied that normally 1% of the people are updating a wiki freaquently and 9% of the people do it sometimes. The rest, 90% are only reading the content. At the moment the look and feel in the wiki is planned for this 1%! Does this make sense? No. So I am about to change the main page soon.
To do it more usable I need icons for these words:
Animals, Blogs, Books, Calendar, Collectables, Countries, Dioramas, DIY, Dollhouses, Dolls, FAQ, Forums, Home pages, Kids´ corner, Magazines, Museums, Photos, Printables,
Projects, Roomboxes, Scales, Shops, Swaps, Tags, Template, Trash to treasure miniatures, Wanted pages, Wiki FAQ, Wiki members
and since it is a wiki about miniatures I think the icons should be pictures about miniatures too.
Is there anyone out there who would like to help me with this project, to find the suitable icons? Pleeease :).