Questions are the same every time:
Hi x! How does it feel to (this part is different every time)?
Tell a little about yourself: who you are, where do you come from and what do you do?
Do you have any hobbies other than miniatures?
When and how did you start doing miniatures?
What is your latest / next mini-project?
How did you find Mini Treasures wiki and what is your favorite page in the wiki?
What would you like to see in the wiki in the future?
Thanks for the interview!
And I have ideas for who to interview next.
So would you like to help me be starting to make the interviews in this blog? What is required from you is:
-passion for miniatures and especially for Mini treasures wiki
-knowledge of Blogspot (Blogger)
-ability to write good enough English (you are proof-reading the answers, you don´t need to be a native speaker - I am not one either)
If you are interested, leave a comment or write an email to me.
I hope I find you fast, my new co-blogger :).
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